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Vince J. Celeste


Website Developer

Graphic Designer

Content Creator

Vince J. Celeste


Website Developer

Graphic Designer

Content Creator

Tag: Media and Information Literacy

August 20, 2020 What is New? Updated Teachers’ Google Classroom for Online Class

The newly added features to Google classroom since August this year. Google does this from time to time and we are happy to use them for our planned online classes while we are experiencing the challenges in delivering and facilitating learning to our learners.

February 2, 2019 Five Ways to Effectively Spot Fake News

Even the internet has made easier than to disprove hearsay, there is still a lot of disinformation that goes viral due to famous social media sharing as part of services of different social media accounts. Thanks to the people working around checking reliability and credibility of news that spread on the internet.

October 10, 2016 A 30-second Advertisement Project for MIL Final Project

Semestral break is almost here! To my students in Media and Information Literacy, please be reminded of your final project…